
Saturday, June 5, 2010

4 Websites that Help you to Send Emails to Someone in the Future

Emails have gained a lot of popularity in recent times. Speed factor, ease of use, fast delivery time, etc have contributed to its success and acceptance. There are several new companies emerging which help us to send emails. But, have you heard of any services which save your email and send it on a future date? Well, here are 3 such services which allow you to send an email to a person in the future.
The future mail option in the website helps the user to send a typed mail at a future set date.You can use this to greet someone on his/her birthday, anniversary etc..or a notice when you are in hurry and lack of time..or on a vacation so that you don't have to open your laptop in your leisure time when you don't want ANY disturbance...

Using MailFreezr you can freeze an email for a period of between 1-100 years. 100 years is certainly a quite a lot of time. Looks like we can keep an email safe even for our grand children provided we know their email IDs. Hmm but 100 years! Hope the site exists till then.
TimeMachiner is yet another service which allows you to send an email to someone in the future. This service can send emails till the year 2030; well that’s what we can see in the drop menu. I guess 22 years are just enough for sending Bday wishes, etc. You can also send an email to yourself as a reminder to do something.
FutureMe has a user friendly user interface and is capable of sending emails till 2037. You can also set the privacy of emails to Private or Public.

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