
Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Hack your ZTE 831 ADSL router

hack your ZTE 831 ADSL router

hi all , would you wonder what is the actual operating system inside your
ADSL router ?

well most probablly the answer is the linux ! wonder ? why it runs on a powerful 32-bit processor.
Don't be fan too much. That's it.

let me show you with the evidance ,
first of all you needs to log into the router using your telnet program , just click windows key and R and
on the run , just type telnet , the default router address for ZTE 831

so then you will see a prompt asking the login name and the password , and the ZTE corp welcome message is also there.

try the those commands , cat /proc/meminfo for memory information and cat /proc/cpuinfo for cpu info ,
you can see that ZTE 831 device is on a 32 bit CPU core.

he he the cat command they saves that command on the /bin there , oky lets hack into deep.

the fun part is as the cat command , all the things inside the /bin are executing , so therefore : is there is sh
shell in that directory we can go to the shell of this router operating system. he he.So why don't we give up
a try ! ?
here .

now the fun part is this , sometimes those SLT engineers are 1000 talks about their SLT icons inside that web login of the router.I directly ask from them , but he said that it's an company secret. Well it's time to hack where it was. well if they are using the linux and GNU , they should open the source code and the binary versions too.
he he.
anyway this is fun , there is a directory called

see this pic , all are there. he he he he he he he .

Oky guys enoughf fun for today.
Let me go to the sleep with the laughf ! anyway they have to open the source code . he he. But sometimes never
mind ! may be not , he he he he he !