
Saturday, June 5, 2010

Stock market BSE live streaming quotes for java mobiles

Live Streaming Quotes

1. What will I get in Live streaming quotes ?

  1. Live streaming quotes of scrips, which are part of SENSEX. will be displayed. Scrips customization is not allowed.
2. What is required (prerequisite)?                                                

  1. Java enabled handset with MIDP 2.0 and CLDC 1.1 configuration.
  2. Advanced GPRS activated SIM card
3. How to download/install the application?

  1. Go to browser on your mobile
  2. Type the following url

    Please click 'Yes' on every incoming alert.

    This will install the SENSEX Streamer application on your handset.
4. How to configure your handset for running the application?

Configure the APN setting according to the service provider. The APN settings for some of the service providers are as follows:
Service ProviderConnection Name APN
AIRCELAircel GPRSaircelgprs
IDEA idea_internetinternet


gprsppsmum (Pre-paid Customers)
gprsmtnlmum (Post-paid Customers)
Username : mtnl
Password : mtnl123
Reliance GSM Netconnectrcomnet (Pre-paid Customers)
TATA GSM Tata InternetTATA.DOCOMO.INTERNET (Pre-paid Customers)
VODAFONEVodafone Live!portalnmms
For other service providers, please contact your service provider for the APN settings.
5. What is an APN?
       Access Point Name (APN) identifies an IP Packet Data Network (PDN), which a mobile data user wants to        communicate with.

6. How to set up the APN?
       In your handset, go to the connection settings. Then follow the wizard for adding new Access Point                according to the above list.

7. How to use the application?
  • After the application gets installed, start the application by clicking on the "SENSEX Streamer" icon.
  • For the first time, the application will directly lead you to "Application Settings" screen. From there, select "Other" for non-blackberry handsets and "Blackberry" for blackberry handsets as Mobile Type and HTTP as Connection Type. Click on "Save" menu.
  • Click on Back menu.
  • Go in to the menu and click on "Start"
  • Application will try to connect the remote server. If the mobile asks for allow network connection then click on yes
  • Once the connectivity establishes, the Market Watch will open.
  • Use left, right, up and down scroll keys to view full data
  • Select menus in Market Watch screen to "Stop Streaming", "Refresh" the data and "Start Streaming".
8. How to trouble shoot the application?
  • Check the network availability
  • Check the APN setting
  • Check whether the service provider is allowing data streaming to third party application.
  • Check the handset configuration setting which is prerequisite to running the application is available or not.
9. Known issues with specific handsets and telecom service providers
Vodafone Blackberry

10. Stuck at 'Connecting to Server' screen?
This might be because of poor network. Close the application and start it again.

11. How will the user know about new version release?
When the user tries to login into the application and if the new version is available, the message for new version release will automatically pop up on the screen. From there, the user can install/update the new version.

12. How to install application in Windows Mobile (HTC)?
In HTC, the application should be installed through Midlet Manager/Java/Java FX only. The steps to install through Midlet Manager are:
  • Select Midlet Manager from Start Menu
  • Select Install -> Browse, Type the URL,
    This will install the application in Midlet Manager section.
  • Before running the application, you need to select proper GPRS settings. This can be done by selecting Midlet Manager -> Network -> Menu -> Choose Network Type. From drop down list select the connection according your service provider. GPRS Settings can be received by calling Service Providers customer care.
  • To run the application, go to Midlet Manager. From there, select Sensex Streamer and follow the Step No. 6 of "How to use the application".
13. On Windows Mobile 6.x, the steps to configure Manual GPRS Settings are as follows:
  1. Tap Start -> Settings.
  2. Select Connections Tab and tap Connections.
  3. Select Advanced Tab, tap Select Networks button to bring up Network Management.
  4. Under "Programs that automatically connect to the Internet should connect using:" drop down, tap the New button.
  5. In the General Tab, type the name of the settings as Airtel GPRS
  6. Select Modem tab, tap New...
  7. Type the name of connection as Airtel GPRS, select the modem as Cellular Line (GPRS) and tap Next.
  8. Type Access Point Name as and tap next.
  9. Leave username, password and domain blank and tap finish.
  10. Select Proxy Settings tab. Tap "This network connects to the Internet". This should enable the next check box option.
  11. Tap OK to close the Advanced proxy setup screen.
  12. Tap OK to close the New connection screen.
  13. The network management screen should now list the new connection you have created in the drop-down.
    Tap OK to close this screen
  14. Tap OK to close the connection screen.
14. How to set APN for Blackberry?
Select Menu -> Options -> Advanced Options -> TCP. In this set APN according to Service Provider.
For example,
Airtel (APN:

For any clarifications/help, please contact:

Tel no - 022 6136 3175
Email id -

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